November 15, 2023 – On Monday, October 23, Matt Savas and Josh Howell of the Lean Enterprise Institute (LEI) visited Re:Build CDI. LEI is a nonprofit based in Boston whose mission is to advance lean thinking and practices. It was founded in 1997 by James Womack, who co-authored The Machine that Changed the World and founded the lean movement. After visiting the Re:Build Re:Source center in Framingham, seeing the Lean Transformation Roadmap board, and chatting with Miles Arnone, Re:Build’s CEO, and Bonnie Davis, Re:Build’s Chief Lean Officer, Matt and Josh wanted to understand more about CDI’s lean transformation process.


Caption: Steve Matovic, Engineering Manager, shared how the RIE process allowed the team to address the root causes of long lead times in tooling and how the actions going into place will directly impact lead time and empower his team.

The team at Re:Build CDI made a huge impression on Matt and Josh with their enthusiastic telling of their transformation journey. They shared how their journey has created alignment with CDI’s strategy and provided a process to drive engagement and action and to track results. CDI’sRapid Improvement Event (RIE) team members also shared how improvements have made a personal impact on their day-to-day work.

Matt and Josh offered this positive feedback about the visit:

“What is most impressive is the authenticity of each team member we met with. We recognized immediately that everyone is ‘all in’ and the cultural impact is significant.”

“The Re:Build CDIteam are the architects of an effective management system that begins with strategic thinking at the top and cascades down to improvement on the shop floor. I had no trouble identifying the connection between Robert’s custom wire cart ‘kaizen’ and the organization’s objective to improve on-time delivery and reduce overall lead times. Similarly, it was evident that Steve’s dedicated laser, Adam’s resource planning tools, and Colleen’s collaboration with shipping all contributed to meeting the company’s improvement goals.”

“This kind of commitment goes beyond the A3 thinking process and constructs a management system for actualizing transformation. That was apparent in the mission control dashboard and was realized through the RIEs, projects, and just-do-its. What is also awesome is the improvement component that integrates into the system ways to find talented people, deeply engage employees, and create a roadmap for cultivating Continuous Improvement leaders.”

Re:Build CDI’s story also celebrates its alignment with Re:Build Way Principle 13. The team is aware that the work they do is recognized by lean thought leaders as special and notable, and that provides them with positive reinforcement. Re:Build’s name is beginning to be recognized in lean circles, which is good for long-term business prospects.

Additional thanks go to Eric McElheny, Shipping, and Dan McElheny, Press Brake, for showing their areas and explaining how the work is now flowing to the customer, as well as sharing their personal experiences with the RIE process, and their on-going commitment to leading additional improvements.

Lean Enterprise Institute Visits Re:Build CDI

Adam Koestler, Lean Champion, and the Re:Build CDI Transformation Steering Committee, shared the Transformation Timeline and structure, which shows how the improvement actions are aligned with the company strategy.

Lean Enterprise Institute Visits Re:Build CDI

Colleen Mansuetto, Accounting Manager, and Peggy Shackleton, Customer Service, shared how the improvements in their area impacted them personally, removing non-value-added work and demonstrating “respect for people.”

Lean Enterprise Institute Visits Re:Build CDI

Adam Martinez, Secondary Team Leader, shared how visual management, standard work, and managing the labor needed to flow the work, has empowered the team to be successful. They are no longer a bottleneck operation and improved flow time of work through the cell to less than half of their baseline.

Lean Enterprise Institute Visits Re:Build CDI

Bryan Parks, General Manager, and team share the paradigm shifts that had to occur, and how they had to “trust the process.” Now they believe in the process and concentrate on working the process.

Principle 13

We celebrate individual achievements but reserve the greatest accolades for team performance. The best ideas and solutions are rarely the product of a person working in isolation.